Take Foundations of Estill Voice Training®

This self guided online introduction introduces you to the foundation of the Estill Voice Model™ and prepares you for a Level 1 & 2 course.

Attend a Level 1 & 2 Course

EVT Level 1: Figures for Voice™ teaches the Craft of speaking and singing. Level 2: Figure Combinations for Six Voice Qualities™ builds on the knowledge and skills from Level 1 by asking students to combine different Figure options to mix “recipes” for 6 basic voice qualities.

Download our Estill Exercises App

Estill Exercises is a mobile app that offers overviews of Estill figures & qualities, fun ways to practice, and opportunities to connect with the Estill Voice community.

Join a Practice Group

These small groups are a great way to hone the skills you learned in EVT Level One and Two Courses. Meet fellow Estill Voice Training® students and practice your Figures under the guidance of experienced certified instructors.

Study with an Estill Certified Trainer

Our rigorous certification standards ensure that all of our members have demonstrated expertise in Estill Voice Training®.

Become an Estill Certified Trainer

Estill Voice Training® community includes over 850 certified members in more than 33 countries, each with unique artistic specializations and interests spanning vocal performance, education, and rehabilitation.

Enrich your Estill Voice Training Knowledge

We have training tools for teaching beginners, a book full of fun musical Estill exercises, The Estill Voice Model™: Theory & Translation, and more!