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Special Topics

Course ID: 24
Date: 2019/04/11 to 2019/04/11 (YYYY/MM/DD) Time: 10.00 – 16.00 Cost: 125 Euro / 100 Euro Students Language: English
Instructors: Dorte Hyldstrup
Contact: Dorte Hyldstrup | | +45 26 41 53 82
Course Location:
Secundair Kunstinstituut
Secundair Kunstinstituut, Ottogracht 4, 9000 Gent  
Gent Flandern

This Belting Workshop is open to anyone, who would like to explore this fascinating voice quality. It is not required that you have taken the EVT Level One & Two courses.

We will focus on essential Estill tools to develop a safe belt voice, and how to apply it to your own songs. The workshop will also cover typical problems and their solutions.

We will apply the Belting Quality to relevant songs within pop/jazz, soul, gospel and musical.

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